PC LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 SaveGame 100%

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PC LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 SaveGame 100%

To install:
Copy to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\ 647830\remote\savedgames\slot1
or D:\Steam\userdata\your steam id\647830\remote\ savedgames\slot1

Status: THE GAME DONE 100%
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With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 SaveGame 100% Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 SaveGame 100% Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost. This mechanism isn't just for personal use, many enthusiastic gamers also upload their meticulous save game files for the broader community.

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28 Responses

  1. F Heavenly says:

    The save file looked 100% on load data screen, but when i load the file… it will start the game from the first level…

  2. Randhika says:

    When i load it. The game starts to the first level. Why?

  3. Bkyc says:

    Thank you savegameworld !

  4. Landrgn says:

    It does work for me. U need to run it on Direct X 11 version of the game. I’m guessing the Save game files are meant for DX11 version only tho.

  5. Ryan says:

    The download worked perfect. Thank you. My install location was in a different location, but that was expected since we can all customize where we install Steam.
    This save gave me 100% complete with about 27 mil coins. – Thank you again.

  6. Benjamin says:

    Somebody has a 30% done save file? (level 12).

  7. Dzony02 says:

    try saving the data here


  8. Dzony02 says:

    sorry forgot you have to rewrite
    the file ………..filemappings………..I wrote a new save
    you have to ..changesavedgames\slot……../slot/dlc01.savegamedata…….. save what you put in

  9. Carlito says:

    Hello guys,
    Dont understand how to save the 100%.I have the same problem than others.The save file looked 100% on load data screen, but when i load the file… it will start the game from the first level… How can i play in free mode with this save?
    It s for my lilttle boy, his sister deleted his save today, he had finished the game yet…
    Thank you for your help

  10. ksuam says:

    every characters is dance how to stop it

  11. Furysasquatch1101 says:

    it worked for me just delete the slot 1 folder and put this LMSH 2 save folder in the same location and just start the game.

  12. Iwanz says:

    it realy do works
    the instructions was right, except for the game itself you should choose the DX11 one
    try now!

  13. vr27 says:

    it dosn’t work

  14. A Gamer says:

    thanks it’s working. please open game with DX11 🙂

  15. luxcro says:

    works great,thanks

  16. Thailand says:

    I can’t do it. Always start again.

  17. charlie says:

    how do i install it if there isnt a slot 1 there?

  18. william says:

    it doesn’t let me access my dlc how fix

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