PC Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey SaveGame

Save Game |

PC Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey SaveGame

The archive has two folders, one with a save for Alexios, the other with a save for Cassandra.
The Ezio’s Roman Set set is also available.

To install:
Copy to … Users\User\AppData\Roaming\

Status: Beginning of the game. Unlocked absolutely all items Helix, Club. Alexios / Kassandra
Author: alex_jay
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With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey SaveGame Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey SaveGame Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost. This mechanism isn't just for personal use, many enthusiastic gamers also upload their meticulous save game files for the broader community.

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4 Responses

  1. Steve says:

    What is the uplay ID. The save doesn’t work without it.

  2. Steve says:

    The save does not work without U-play ID. What is the ID.

  3. Mahdyar says:

    Thanks for the save file, is it possible to upload a 100% main game save file with these outfits, even mid story would be great too, I’m planing to play fate of Atlantis with these outfits (I finished the Main game) but this one is at the beginning of the game, cheers.

  4. MUSTAFA says:

    hey guys, use the uplay ID of your own savedata.
    by the application AC save tool and select the one to modifiate and for id select deteact and last one select the tree dots … and use your save data to copy id from it.

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