PC Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time SaveGame 100%

Save Game |

PC Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time SaveGame 100%

To install:
Copy to %localappdata%\CrashBandicoot4\Saved\ SaveGames\

The slot can be replaced by renaming the file, such as PlayerSaveSlot2Save instead of PlayerSaveSlot0Save

Status: The Game done 100%, everything is open
Author: Jersey Devil
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time SaveGame 100% Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time SaveGame 100% Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost. This mechanism isn't just for personal use, many enthusiastic gamers also upload their meticulous save game files for the broader community.

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2 Responses

  1. Johnny Cund says:

    Worked great, thanks so much, all I had to do was search for the file in the save directory and change the name of this 100% file to the one from that, for anyone curious on how to do this, you can even do it with the game open, simply:

    1.- Locate the save file directory of your version.

    2.- When in game go to save slots and create a new one.

    3.- Go back to the save directory by alt-tabbing the game, sort the files in that folder by date and you should find the most recent one, it should read something like a bunch of numbers and then somethjing or other “save slot”.

    4.- Copy that name and then change the one from the file downloaded here.

    5.- Drag and replace the newly renamed file, make sure to be on the save slot screen when doing this, otherwise the game might crash, once you do this you can access you’re new save game.

    The game is completed at 106% with all skins and unlockables, THANKS SO MUCH!!!

  2. Androideath666 says:

    Hi how are things? I would like to know one thing… I had played crash bandicoot 4 in PIRATE version (illegal) a long time ago and after a while I bought the STEAM version, but it doesn’t transfer the saved files from one to the other, what problem could it be?

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