PC Far Cry 3 SaveGame

Save Game |

PC Far Cry 3 SaveGame

To install:
Copy to C:\ProgramData\Orbit\46

Author: Djothef Ferdison
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Far Cry 3 SaveGame Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC Far Cry 3 SaveGame Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost. This mechanism isn't just for personal use, many enthusiastic gamers also upload their meticulous save game files for the broader community.

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11 Responses

  1. Darkys says:

    This is the best game I’ve played so far. Too bad I sold my PC and I didn’t backup my saves…I had unlocked almost everything 🙁

  2. martin says:

    hi ..i just need to skip island port hotel mission and i want a save file after that mission other files seem not to work cause they are in .save the ones worked are in .sav so any one help please

  3. jishnu jjanardhanan says:

    its not working ..what is the problem

  4. Steve says:

    Can you assign this save to me

  5. Alex says:

    Naaah!!!!!! Ain’t worked…

  6. yash says:

    bro it work
    just cut this extracted files and paste it in snappdata like folder in subnautica under saved games and delete your old save games with name slot0001 and paste new game data name slot0002

  7. ayman says:

    i wont just mushrooms in the deep save game

  8. says:

    Nooo Fake I am Not %100 save

  9. Emma Knight says:

    i found out something, i got saves from a friend but for some reasons it wont work on my pc after i open it it was in symbols, then i started new game after playing sometime i check my save file it was in chinese for something samiller language and under right side it was utf and my friends save was in asnl

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