PS4 Shenmue 3 SaveGame

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PS4 Shenmue 3 SaveGame

As for other Shenmue game, heres a little saveset for u.
U must get Babysitter for urself since i get it before starting this.

save 1 U re in front of a man, tank to him and chop some wood (aorund 50) for Chopping Master, then sell herbs to the same man till u get 1000 Yuan for Fat Cat, buy 10 and 100 oranges for Regular Shopper and Super Shopper

U must play till u get Verdant Bridge’s Secret sorry but i didnt know when the trophy pop

save 2 talk to the man and play minigames for Gon

save 3 Climb up the bell tower for Scenic Point and go on for Bailu Village (this is the last save in bailu. before climb u can free roam around and try to get all the herbs and fishing spots. i didnt by now)

save 4 Go in the big road and save the man for Dan

save 5 this probably have some tasks to do before going for Inseparable, its a story trophy but didnt know he pop

save 6 story trophy Yi
save 7 story trophy vip

save 8 modified save for Village Tycoon and City Magnate u can then convert money into tokens for Novice Gambler, Experienced Gambler and King of Gamblers, buy around 800 items in stores for Shopkeeper?

save 9 play with the capsule (with the hats) and hopefully u will get Capsule Fan
save 10 same as the other with buddhas Capsule Star

Save FISH I have modified myself an old save (apparently SW dont recognize saves after 10th) u can get Capsule Hero Buy one capsule everywhere, Technique Master buy one skill, Angler Extraordinaire fish once

Status: some trophies
Author: RPGAddict
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With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PS4 Shenmue 3 SaveGame Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PS4 Shenmue 3 SaveGame Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup their data, or even recover saves inadvertently lost. This mechanism isn't just for personal use, many enthusiastic gamers also upload their meticulous save game files for the broader community.

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2 Responses

  1. dr dr says:


  2. Fourthhrseman5 says:

    I dont see a fish save. Is it 000a or 000b? Renaming causes an error in Save Wizard. Please Advise.

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